0-4 Years

Welcome to the 0-4 years section of the Hillingdon children and young people website.

This website has been developed by the health visiting and school nursing teams with collaboration with parent’s, carers and young people to provide information about children’s health, development and wellbeing. We are here to support parents and carers to become confident in looking after the health and development needs of their child from the moment they are born until they transition into adulthood. 

On our website you can find lots of information about health, development and wellbeing. Whatever your concern, no matter how small you think it may be, our health visiting and school nursing teams are here to support.

Alert Information

Are your child's vaccinations up to date?

Vaccination can protect you or your child against diseases like measles, rubella, tetanus and meningitis.

Parents and under 5's : Speak to your GP if you think you or your child have missed a vaccine to catch up. 

Find out more about baby and infant vaccination here

Children aged 5-18 years old : The Hillingdon Immunisation team will no longer provide the School Age Immunisations in Hillingdon. This will be provided by Vaccination UK (https://www.schoolvaccination.uk/).

Find out more about school age vaccinations here